How I Make Grilled Butter Garlic Prawns

For me, the last day of the year means bonding with the family, giving thanks and cooking dishes for the New Year’s Eve.
Looking back, it was my mom who always prepare the food. When I was in college, I started contributing one dessert on the table. It increased to two when I was in my 20s. But now, my mom just let me cook and prepare alone while she buys the rest of the New Year dishes. Today, I share two of my contributions – Grilled Butter Garlic Prawns and Kani Salad.
The common way of cooking Butter Garlic Prawns is through sautéeing. But I prefer grilling because aside from the aromatics, the charred off bits give wholesomeness to the prawns. Since tonight is a special night, we’ll ditch the stovetop for a while and get the grill. Grilled Butter Garlic Prawns – here it is!
http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_category_press_ soma cheap no prescription 1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
- 1 kilo prawns
- 1 stick butter
- 4 cloves garlic
- Salt
- Parsley flakes

2. Grate or mince the garlic.

3. Sauté this into butter. Remove from heat.

4. Add salt and parsley. Set this aside.

5. Cut the back of prawn and devein to make butterfly.

6. Soak prawns into melted butter.

7. Grill prawns and flip.

8. Brush prawns with more butter.

9. Your Grilled Butter Garlic Prawns are now done and ready to be served.