How I Make Garlic Toast

Out of nowhere, my husband asked me to cook Garlic Bread or Garlic Toast for him. I didn’t know that the garlic flavor interests him because in our thirteen years of being together, we didn’t bought or ate anything garlic. In fact, we’re removing toasted garlic on Adobong Mani. I didn’t fancy garlic stuff at all. I don’t dislike it either. It’s just a casual food for me. 

But I gave this food a try. When I cooked a platter for the family, I was surprised at how delicious the outcome was! I believe it was because I used Garlic Confit, a simple preparation of roasted garlic in olive oil that adds sweetness to the flavor of garlic and improves the food it touches.

I can’t believe I’ll say this but this toast is my new favorite.

1. Prepare all the ingredients needed. I can’t mention the measurements since they are all just estimates.

  • Garlic Bulb
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Butter
  • Parsley
  • Baguette
  • Cheese

2. Remove skin of the garlic. Do not slice.

3. Submerge garlic into a shallow pan of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Cook this on a very low heat until the browning starts. This is the Garlic Confit.

5. Mash the garlic with softened butter.

6. Add parsley and salt.

7. Slice baguette diagonally.

8. Spread garlic butter into sliced baguette.

9. Grate cheese on top.

10. Toast.

11. Your Garlic Toast is now done and ready to be served.

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