World Famous Randy’s Donuts: Handmade Since 1952

I remember last year when Tiktok once again made a new food establishment trending in social media. I saw clips of Randy’s Donuts being filled with a lot of customers. Long lines can be seen outside their first ever branch in the Philippines. Reviews from food vloggers and content creators were posted online like as if it was their assignment.

In North America, Randy’s Donuts is actually a long-time donut shop that is mostly recognized for its giant rooftop donut. Randy’s is consistently one of the top donut shops in USA. As they say, their fans come for photo ops but stay for the best donut they’ve ever tasted.

We waited for the big crowds to subside so we could have our own verdict. I’ve watched a lot of food reviews about Randy’s Donuts. Let me find out which is true among them.

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The ratio of ferrero-flavored chocolate topping wasn’t proportional to the bread. The bread was too thick for the topping. I suggest they add more crunch on the Ferrero part so I could fondle the Ferrero feels of the donut more. One of my faves in Dunkin’ is thir Strawberry Filled so I opted for Randy’s Raspberry Jelly Filled. It was oozing with fillings but I guess it was too much this time. I wish I chose the Strawberry Jelly Filled though because the raspberry has this weird tingling sensation and bitter taste. The sugar coating for the donut was fine though.

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We thought that the rounds has tough bread base but we felt it more on their bigger donuts, specifically on this Cappuccino White. Thankfully, this has one-of-a-kind flavor topping, which mixes coffee and milk flavors. Perhaps, they could add more drizzle to balance the bread-to-donut ratio. The Apple Fritters, on the other hand, was a surprise! It’s my favorite in Randy’s Donuts so far. It has generous servings of apple slices that is blended with cinnamon. It has a soft bread base with a crunchy coat and crispy edges.

Glazed Buttermilk | Maple Long John

I first noticed that their Long Johns and other rectangular pastries doesn’t fit their packaging. There’re also a lot of cream toppings that sticks to their paper packaging so it gets really messy. If they continue to have this kind of takeouts, then they’re giving substandard service. Anyway, both of these donuts were too hard like as if they were old breads. The naple tastes more like toffee than maple, which made it sweet. The Glazed Buttermilk was just okay when it comes to taste. But the interior is dry. I couldn’t finish it.

Fruitty Pebbles Raised | Choco-nut Raised

With these flavors and colors, it seems that Randy’s target are kids and kids at heart. I mean these are kid’s favorite snacks. They also offer Fruit Loops Raised. Adding Fruity Pebbles as toppings is a great idea. The fruity flavors of the cereals on donut is refreshing and delightful. I just wonder why they chose chocolate as the cream. The flavors contradicting in the taste buds. The Choco-nut Raised is very Filipino and I’m happy that they included local flavors. I just don’t think that the cream cheese fits the theme. It ruined the Filipino touch in it. 

Barbie | Hi-Ro

Since my husband’s favorite in Dunkin’ is Strawberry Sprinkle, he picked Barbie in Randy’s. They were different but both are incredible in their own ways. Aside from the yummy sprinkles, it is actually the pink frosting that made it distinct. It’s delish. For the bread though, we prefer the always fresh Dunkin’s. On the other hand, we bought Hi-Ro, named after Hi-Ro cookies, to have this nostalgic feels of childhood. But what I actually recalled when I had a bite from this donut was Bingo orange cookie, which made me more excited. It tasted exactly like Bingo. This made me leap of joy.

Hot Latte | Glazed Nibblets

It seemed like Randy’s doesn’t promote their hot drinks that much but I ordered hot latte anyway because, during this time, I didn’t want to drink something sweet. Thankfully, Randy’s granted my preference with this drink. It was merely a combination of coffee and milk, which made me focus on the flavor notes of the beans they used. However, I am sorry to say that it was boring. I couldn’t find a good flavor note except from the burnt taste. Is that from roasting? The hot latte has a free nibblets that we can actually dip into the coffee. It was sugar-glazed. I like it since it was soft. It was even softer than their donuts.

Iced Mocha | Hibiscus Handcrafted Tea

We asked the staff what coffee she could recommend for us and she told us that their Mocha is their bestseller. It was good. I could instantly recognize the richness of chocolate, which was immediately followed by coffee notes. It gave a velvety sensation. I tried their Hibiscus Handcrafted Tea as well. It had a tangy and sweet blend, which gave a great outcome. I can approve that it was made with real hibiscus. However, some may not like this because the sourness was overpowering. Perhaps, they could also infuse stevia leaves for the natural sugar.

Beef Pastrami | Iced Caramel Macchiato

Randy’s has this hearty combo that includes a sandwich and an iced coffee so I couldn’t skip this offer. I had Beef Pastrami as my sandwich and Iced Caramel Macchiato as my iced coffee. It seemed that they are not after the appearance because the sandwich didn’t look as appealing as the one in Subway. But it’s delish. The bread is good, especially the toasted parts. The veggies were fresh. The pastrami was flavorful and high quality. For the coffee, it feels like they just hid the flavor of coffee through artificial flavoring. The caramel syrup is was much. It’s not for real coffee lovers.

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