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Recreating Dishes From Netflix’s Somebody Feed Phil

Aside from Korean dramas and American series, another reasons why I subscribe to Netflix are food documentaries. As a foodie, I naturally enjoy learning about them. They interest me because I got to explore cultural cuisines and street dishes around the world.  One series I stream in Netflix is Somebody Feed Phil, an American food

Happy World Egg Day!

Two days from now, on October 14, and on every second Friday of October, we celebrate one of the oldest foods known to man – eggs! It’s worth celebrating, right? Eggs have played an important role in the lives and health of humans since time out of mind. These little goodies are packed full of

Happy National S’mores Day!

Today, August 10, we honor the quintessential campfire treat and one of the most popular North American desserts. It’s National S’mores Day, everyone! The first mention of such a treat was in the 1920s in a book of recipes published by Campfire Marshmallows, home of the original marshmallow. But the name, s’mores, started when the

Happy Pepperoni Pizza Day!

Tomorrow, September 20, you can eat as many pepperoni pizza slices as you can because the Americans hailed this day as Pepperoni Pizza Day! Although it has its origins in Italy, this deliciously mouth-watering, gooey combo of pizza and pepperoni has become the standard pizza for people all over the world so all of us

Happy Mango Day!

Tomorrow is the day dedicated to one thing – eating mangoes! It’s because every 22nd day of July, we celebrate mango day! How awesome is that? According to Roodepoort Record, five thousand years ago, mangoes were first cultivated in India before they spread to Southeast Asia. In the 10th century AD, cultivation of this deliciously sweet

Happy Eat Your Jello Day!

July 12 was a fun and colorful day for all jelly lovers out there because it was a celebration of Eat Your Jello Day! Trademarked in 1897 by Pearle Wait of Leroy, New York, Jell-O is the novel and fun dessert loved by millions. Francis Woodward, who later purchased the recipe and trademark, eventually made

Happy Pinwheels Family Fun Day!

April 28 is Pinwheel’s Family Fun Day! Exchange Family Center’s Pinwheels Family Fun Day brings together families, friends, and the greater community to generate awareness about the importance of supporting families and teachers to help children be resilient. The celebration will be held at Wheels Fun Park.  Event admission includes fantastic Wheels Fun Park activities

It’s World Nutella Day!

When hazelnuts and chocolate collide, interesting things begin to happen. For example, World Nutella Day is celebrated millions around the globe on February 5.   Sara Rosso founded World Nutella Day in 2007 in celebration of and a way to introduce her favorite spread to her friends. She first discovered Nutella while living in Italy

It’s National Cocoa Day!

December 13 is a celebration for hot chocolate lovers! A cold December day is the perfect time to make yourself a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy National Cocoa Day.  Each year on December 13, people across the country celebrate their favorite cold weather comfort drink. Hot cocoa is a warm beverage made with cocoa powder,