How I Make Battered Fish Taco

I’m not British but battered fish is part of my DNA. It’s one of my ultimate favorite and it’s not a surprise to my friends since they know that I’m a seafood lover.
We are all familiar with fish and chips. But it’s good for you to know that we can switch the carbs part into other source. A tortilla wrap, perhaps? After all, fish taco is just as easy to make.
For the battered fish recipe, I used cod but haddock and pollock are also popular choices. I followed the British way of frying fish since United Kingdom is known for the most delicious fish and chips. The secret ingredient for the batter is a little kick from beer so have that ready!
For the taco recipe, we just got the usuals like tortilla bread as taco’s shell and homemade pico de gallo. My pico de gallo isn’t traditional though since the original ingredients aren’t widely available in my province.
When you have these key ingredients, we’re ready to make Fish Taco!
http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_about_ Soma free consultation 1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
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- http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_category_press_ soma overnight delivery only 1kg cod fish fillet
- order Soma WITHOUT SCRIPT 3/4 cup flour
- 1 small egg
- 3/4 cup beer
- 1/4 cabbage
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 onion head
- parsley
- mayonnaise
- sour cream
- salt
- pepper

2. Let’s first make the pico de gallo first by chopping the cabbage, tomato and onion.

3. Mix together with mayonnaise and parsley. Set aside.

4. Pat the fish fillet dry and cut into pieces.

5. Drench fish slices into a bowl of a quarter cup flour.

6. Combine half cup flour, egg, beer, salt and pepper.

7. Coat fish fillet into the batter.

8. Deep-fry.

9. Heat the soft taco shells.

10. Arrange by putting the battered fish and pico de gallo on heated taco shell.

11. Drizzle with sour cream sauce.

12. Your Fish Tacos are now done and ready to be served.