How I Make Hot Dog Monte Cristo

Monte Cristo – a name that sounds fancy but is really just a glorified ham and cheese sandwich that took a delicious dip in egg batter before getting fried to golden perfection. It’s crispy, melty, sweet, and savory all at once, making it a classic comfort food with a little extra flair.
But instead of the usual ham and bread loaf combo, I decided to shake things up. Inspired by the Denver episode of Netflix’s Fresh, Fried & Crispy, where Biker Jim of Biker Jim’s Gourmet Dogs showed a new gourmet dog out from his menu for the show and created a Monte Cristo Turducken Dog. I realized that a hoagie roll can make a pretty great Monte Cristo, too. So, I swapped out ham for a juicy frankfurter and ditched the plain bread slices for a hearty hoagie roll.
1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
- Hoagie bread
- Frankfurter
- Cheese
- Mayonaise
- Egg
- Strawberry jam
- Powdered sugar

2. Slice the hoagie bread in half and spread some mayonnaise in it.

3. Get your sliced cheese and place it in the hoagie bread.

4. Grill or fry the sausage.

5. Put the sausage in the hoagie bread and close. Soak the sandwich in beaten egg.

6. Fry the sandwich.

7. Top with strawberry jam and powdered sugar.

8. Your Frankfurter Monte Cristo is now done and ready to be served.