How To Make Banana Peanut Milkshake

Banana Peanut Milkshake is my favorite as it is easy to make and the ingredients are affordable and easy to find, especially in my country where banana is everywhere. Yet, this refreshment is delish and healthy. I would to share how I make it.

http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_about_ Order Soma online overnight FedEx delivery 1. Prepare all the ingredients needed. This includes banana, peanut butter, milk, sugar and ice.

http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_category_press_ get soma cod 2. Crush the ice.

3. Add the milk in the blender.

4. Throw two tablespoon of peanut butter into the blender.

5. Shower two tablespoon of sugar.

6. Blend them all together.

7. Slice two bananas.

8. Pour these bananas into the blender.

9. Blend.

10. Pour the shake on your favorite glass.

11. Top it with whipped cream. This is optional.

12. Serve with straw and your Banana Peanut Milkshake is now done and ready to be served.

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