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If we think of comfort food, the first thing that comes to mind are whichever among pizza, chicken, burgers, fries and pastas. Therefore, if we think of a comfort restaurant in Baguio, tourists and locals alike will agree that we’re talking about Grumpy Joe. The list of comfort food I mentioned earlier are present in

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Shopping at the largest Ikea store in the world is fun but tiring. Going inside the building is like a labyrinth since the store layout is in a fixed path design, which means that there’s a designated road that customers must follow and it guides them through the store in one direction. Imagine how long

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It’s been two months since the last time I set foot in Tokyo and I don’t have any other wish apart from visiting an izakaya, raising beers with friends and eating authentic Japanese bar chows. One of my favorite pub in Shinjuku is just a few steps away from our hotel. If it seems that

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If Vietnam has this crazy addition to coffee like egg and yogurt, Colombia has a strange yet interesting way of drinking hot chocolate. You won’t believe that they are adding cheese to a freshly boiled chocolate.  No, I’m not talking about the cheese foam or cheese walling that you add to milk teas and coffee

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