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If we have congee or rice porridge in Asia, the western part of the world has this thing called grits. It is a type of porridge that is made of boiled cornmeal. Honestly, I would never learn about grits if I didn’t watch the “New York City, New York” episode of “Street Food: USA” in

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I’m getting married, you guys! In preparation for wedding, it has been our tradition to make and share some prenuptial photos for keeps. As a couple whose hobby is traveling, we opted to shoot our prenup in Tagaytay, our usual destination for dates. After all, my mom’s friend offered her villa, Casa Viki, for us

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How I Make Anchovy Pasta

It’s been a long time since I last made a pasta and that reason alone is enough to have spaghetti this lunch! Am I talking nonesense? I don’t know. But I’m excited to present what’s in our dining table today. Anchovy Pasta can be intimidating to hear since we don’t use the term “anchovy” in

Arbiter Coffee: Quality Coffees Shall Prevail

There’s this new coffee shop that is located three towns away from our hometown and a plenty more turns away from the highway and yet, we traverse the long way just to get a high quality coffee. It was worth the ride! It’s definitely one of the best-tasting coffee in Mindoro. Promoting third-wave coffees and

How I Make Iced Hibiscus Tea

So I ordered these boxes of dried loose flower tea at Nature’s Apothecary for my primary sponsors at our upcoming wedding and I got myself a free hibiscus tea pyramid! I was happy because there’s one for me when I thought that all I ordered was for giveaways only. Anyway, I’ll be utilizing this dried

Camper And Cabin: Camp In Style

Camper and Cabin is known to have the first Airstream suite in the Philippines. Exhibiting luxury of outdoor living, the property lets its guests experience the joy of camping while embracing the comforts of a first-class hotel. This Airbnb rental is set on top of the hill so it offers a panoramic scene of both

How I Make Fish And Chips

After visiting Australia for more than a week, I think I should have cooked something Australian now. Fairy bread and Vegemite recipes are on my mind now but I choose yo start with the dish that we all know already and the dish that I’ve tried cooking before. After all, Fish and Chips is a

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Last time, we headed to Valenzuela to pick up some stocks we could carry from Metro Manila to Mindoro. We’ve been to this warehouse for a couple of times already. Little did we know that we’re already near Marilao, Bulacan, where an old carinderia we used to dine is situated. Tetok’s Food Haus is a