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It’s one of my busiest week today and I’m so happy I was able to publish a blog this Sunday. I just want to apologize in advance for the messy thoughts I will be saying in this blog post. Anyway, when we think of restaurants in Pinamalayan, we always tackle about Dine at Log and

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It’s that time again when I feel like digging into my old files and archive that include my cooking moments with my friends and our experimented recipes I haven’t posted. And today, I feel like posting the Banana Cream Pie we made way back 2015. I remember the success we felt when we made the

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As we park our car in front of Xentro Mall Calapan, there’s this attractive building standing tall in front of the mall that caught our attention. This beautiful facade will surely pull one’s feet into its doors. I, myself, invited my friends to try this new coffee and bar in town. While inside, the ambiance

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We went to S&R to buy essentials and ingredients for Breen. We bought ten jars of Nutella. Little did we know that each jar has free Sari Roti soft bread that is expiring soon. What should I do with ten packs of bread loaves? I immediately searched for inspirations and recipes that has loaves of

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In a span of two years, I recreated ten Lady’s Choice recipes. It wasn’t hard to trust the product because I can approve that Lady’s Choice Mayonnaise really makes my food great. For today’s blog post, I decided to collect them all to show you how to make these dishes. “Create moments out of meal

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Caution: The next thing you’ll see is addicting! We know that this campfire snack is already incredible on its own. But we doubled the fun because this is not just a plain waffle. This is not just a simple S’mores Waffle. This is a S’mores Waffle sandwich with chocolate, marshmallow and graham filling. Ugh! If

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Yes! We have our own milk tea shop in our province. But that doesn’t mean that we’re biased with our brand and that we’re not trying other milk teas. My favorite milk tea shop is still Macao Imperial Milk Tea. In Mindoro, aside from Breen Milk Tea, we are frequent visitors of Infinitea. We also

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My hometown, Pinamalayan, is currently at its booming state. Its residents, who used to live in a rural setting, are now getting a glimpse of city life as fast food chains and known convenience stores are emerging in this small town. Growing up with only simple carinderias around us, we were surprised by the number