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How I Make Polynesian Mashed Taro

Another dish I discovered in the “Oahu, Hawaii” episode of Netflix’s Street Food: USA, after Poke, is Poi. Poi is a traditional Hawaiian dish made from taro root. It is a starchy, paste-like substance that is typically made by mashing cooked taro root with water. Some people describe the taste of poi as earthy, nutty,

The Dessert Museum: 12,000 Feet Of Your Sugar-filled Dreams

Six years ago, a sweet and interactive art museum, showcasing large, colorful sculptures of dessert items, opened up in S Maison. The Dessert Museum consists of eight mouthwatering rooms of sugar-filled happiness. Each room is designed and conceptualized according to a specific dessert. I’ve always wanted to see what’s inside The Dessert Museum for six

How I Make Japanese Clam Soup

As I watched Netflix’s Somebody Feed Phil, another easy-to-make dish uncovered. A tasty trip of Phil in Vietnam, as shown in the Saigon episode, brought me to the discovery of Clam and Spinach Soup. It’s much different from the well-known Clam Chowder. Instead of a cream-based soup, this one is actually made to a clear

Jhun And Ana Halo Halo: Padre Garcia’s Best

Since it is summer, it is time to talk about one of the Filipino’s favorite dessert during this season. Halo Halo is a refreshing dish featuring layers of shaved ice and condensed milk on top of all sorts of ingredients like jellies, flan, macapuno, palm seeds, sweetened red beans, shaved ice, ube ice cream, fresh

How I Make Cheese Foam Cold Brew

I had a leftover cold brew from last time’s Vietnamese Cold Brew and I didn’t want that to put to waste. As much as possible, we’re gonna utilize all the leftovers here in our house.  But when it comes to cold brew, that isn’t a problem because my husband and I are coffee addicts. Coffee

Happy National Strawberry Day!

February isn’t just the season for Valentine. It’s also the month when we celebrate another heart-shaped and red-colored thing. Since February is also the harvest season for strawberries, we celebrate National Strawberry Day, happening every 27th day of the month! Strawberries have been around since the early 18th century, and ever since then they have

Jim’s Recipe: An Old Recipe, A New Passion

Jim’s Recipe started as a bakery in Malaysia that served top quality sponge cakes and pastries. It immediately started to gain traction throughout its home country and the demand quickly increased. Soon enough the business opened new ventures in neighboring countries, including the Philippines. Honestly, I’m not a fan of sponge cakes because I generally

How I Make Banana Muffins

My mom is forcing me to make some kind of banana dish or banana pastry because we were given bunches of banana and we couldn’t eat them all immediately until some of them because overriped and almost rotten. Mom, that’s easy! We could just make some banana muffins. But, of course, I wanna make sure