How To Make Peach Espresso Con Panna

It’s the 419th day of quarantine period in our region and the coffee craze is on in our Oriental Mindoro. Of course, I won’t let myself be late of the trend. For this coffee sesh, I would like to try transforming the famous dessert flavor combination of peaches and cream into espresso con panna. After all, they already have one ingredient in common, which is the cream.
I remember when Starbucks released the Pink Peach Blossom Mocha so I thought that this peaches and cream-flavored coffee will work. And it did! The sweetness of fruit and silkiness of cream combines with the tangy and nutty brew for a deliciously comforting morning. Here’s how it is made.
1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
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- 1 shot brewed coffee
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- caramel syrup

2. Get your cup and put a tablespoon of peach jam at the bottom.

3. Pour a freshly brewed coffee over the jam.

4. In a bowl, whip together cream, a tablespoon of peach jam and half teaspoon of vanilla.

5. Carefully top coffee with peach cream.

6. Drizzle some caramel sauce. I’m sorry I’m not good at this.

7. Your Peach Espresso Con Panna is now done and ready to be served.