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As we always say, Christmas is the season of giving, loving, bonding and everything merry. We exchange gifts with our loved ones. We meet with our friends because of the short break from work or school this holiday season gives us. We sing our favorite Christmas carols to our neighbors. We gather our family to

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Last Mother’s Day, I took my mom to the famous pizza and pasta house in my hometown, Pizzeria Milano. Last Father’s Day, we made our way to one of the most popular pizza and pasta house in Manila, The Old Spaghetti House. Honestly, it was purely coincidental. I didn’t plan to have a date with

How To Make Del Monte Fruit Salad Ice Candy

Before we decided to sell Creamline Ice Cream in our food cart, we opted to sell ice candy first to our customers. We started with orange, mango and pineapple juice flavors and then we ventured into special flavors like buko pandan, coffee jelly and fruit salad. As we all know, these are three among the