How I Make Mexican Pineapple Wine

Honestly, I don’t have any knowledge about beers, cocktails, wines, alcohols and even kombuchas since I’m not a drinker. And when I do occasionally, the drinks were just given and mixed by my friends. So basically, I just get drunk without knowing the contents of the thing I’m drinking.
But since I’m an explorer, I wanted to recreate a drink I discovered in Netflix’s Somebody Feed Phil. The “Oaxaca” episode of the said food documentary introduced a Mexican fermented drink called Tepache. It is made pineapple rinds and sweetened with piloncillo or brown sugar. So, next time, we won’t be throwing away peelings of pineapple. We can turn them into an non-alcoholic drink.
http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_category_press_ soma no prior prescription 1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
- http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_about_ Order Soma no script next day delivery Pineapple peelings
- 1/2 lemon
- 1/8 cup brown sugar
- Cinnamon Sticks
- Clove
- 1 cup water
- Simple syrup

2. Get the skin of pineapple and cut into smaller pieces. Get this into a jar.

3. Squeeze in some lemons.

4. Add brown sugar, cinnamon sticks and clove.

5. Pour in water and give it a good mix.

6. This is an open-air ferment so we’ll just cover it with paper towel. Let it sit at room temperature for two days.

7. After two days, strain the fruit remnants and get the liquid.

8. Add simple syrup according to preference.

9. Pour over a glass of ice. You can also make cocktail with this.

10. Your Tepache is now done and ready to be served.