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Spotify’s Best Songs For Travel 2024

Every adventure needs a good soundtrack, right? For me, music isn’t just something I play in the background. It’s a travel essential. Whether I’m cruising along scenic highways, walking through bustling streets, or sitting by a quiet beach, my Spotify playlist always sets the mood. It’s like every song gets tied to a specific memory,

Seeing The World For Less Through Agoda is an online travel agency that caters to customers around the world, facilitating reservations for accommodation, flights, ground transportation, and activities. In the past, I would book accommodations directly with resorts and hotels, thinking it would be the best option since there was no agency involved. While it is still a safe choice, I

Spotify’s Best Songs For Travel 2023

It’s hard to think of 2023 in music and not to mention the success of movie soundtrack of Barbie, Taylor Swift’s Era’s Tour, the comeback of our favorite long-time singers and launch of the new talented artists. One more thing to celebrate this year is the rise of OPM. Hearing the Filipino songs during the

2023 Highlights + Travel OOTDs

2023 is definitely a year of prosperity and love. Those who follows me on my social media accounts know that I got wedded later this year. In the same year, my husband and I are blessed to have businesses that continue to flourish. Hence, being travelers at heart, we spent our engaged life and used

Travel OOTDs From Shein

Here’s a short fact about me. Behind my Instagram feeds, I’m not really a fashionista. On ordinary days, I just wear comfortable clothes that are easily available in my closet. I’m impatient in preparing stuff in the morning because it feels like it’s a waste of time. Sometimes, my top and bottom are mismatched but

2022 Highlights + Travel OOTDs

As what the trending new year TikTok audio says, I thank you for the happiest year of my life. Well, I consider each year as the happiest depending on different factors. The year 2022 is a joyous one in terms of leisure and travel. It’s the year I got to travel the most and the

Spotify’s Best Songs For Travel 2022

I must say that the year 2022 is the year of healing. It’s the time when we finally got back to normal after the world pandemic. Travel restrictions were also relaxed so our journey around the world continues. Of course, that’s with the company of music. When we’re at the beach chilling, on mountains while

Spotify’s Best Songs For Travel 2021

There may be a global shutdown but it isn’t a hindrance for our singers to create iconic music. In fact, the pandemic has broadened the reach of music to listeners, with the presence of TikTok, apart from Spotify. Therefore, the crisis also didn’t become a hindrance for us forget music. I know this is a

2021 Highlights + Travel OOTDs

I’m really really thankful that the world is gradually healing from last year’s pandemic. Although the restrictions in some areas aren’t fully relaxed, I’m glad that finally, we can travel to places that we can reach and access easily. I’m talking about our own land, Mindoro. I always say that the pandemic years became an