How I Make Spicy Korean Rice Cake

The “Seoul” episode in the third season of Netflix’s “Somebody Feed Phil” once again unlocked my fangirling to Korean street food. The Tteokbokki Phil bought and ate at Maboklim Wonjo Halmeonijip Tteokbokki made me want to make this dish again.
Before I watched “Somebody Feed Phil”, I’m already familiar with Tteokbokki. Who doesn’t? The Korean craze has taken over the world and most of us already know various Korean street food. Tteokbokki is no different since we’ve seen it in Korean dramas, vlogs and documentaries.
Tteokbokki is a simmered rice cake that is spicy, sweet and savory. Most commonly, you’ll find it being sold on the streets. It’s known for being a very affordable and filling snack. But today, you’ll find it at our dining table.
cod pharmacy soma 1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
- Buy Soma with no prescription 300 grams Korean Rice Cake
- 2 sheets Korean Fish Cake
- 2 cups Water
- 5 pieces Anchovies
- 50 grams Dried Seaweed Leaves
- 2 tbsp Gochujang Paste
- 1 tsp Chili Flakes
- 2 tbsp Brown Sugar
- Green Onions
- Sesame Seeds

2. In a shallow pan, boil water with anchovies and dried seaweed leaves.

3. Slice fishcakes into triangles.

4. Remove the leaves and anchovies and add the rice cake and fish cake into the stock.

5. In a small bowl, mix gochujang, chili flakes and sugar.

6. Add this mixture into the pan. Let the cakes simmer.

7. Once the sauce thickens, remove from heat. Top this with chopped green onions and sesame seeds.

8. Your Tteokbokki is now done and ready to be served.