Very Best Of A Morning Menu At Breakfast At Antonio’s

No Plans, No Maps, No GPS, No Rules. Just a ride leading us to where our hearts desire.
Breakfast at Antonio’s is one of the restaurants I dreamt about during the long stretch of lockdown. Now, I’m joyful to announce that this period’s travel restrictions finally allow us to travel outside the region and to dine inside restaurants. We took advantage of the time and we let our wheels bring us to Breakfast at Antonio’s.
This all-day breakfast restaurant is one of the most recognized food destination in Tagaytay. They offer morning and brunch menu that are inspired by both Western and Filipino cuisine. Their dishes are proudly housemade and organic.
I may not be a morning person but when we are going to ride for a good breakfast, with the relaxing ambiance of Tagaytay, it’s worth waking up early.
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This Smoked Salmon Benedict gave me a burst of amazing flavors from egg, muffin, smoked salmon and hollondaise sauce. Upgrading smoked ham to smoked salmon was worth it as I could feel its freshness and unique flavors. The hollondaise sauce reached my desired tanginess. The dish unexpectedly came with slices of banana and pineapple on the side, which are seasoned with sweet spices.
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The waffle looks simple, dry and thin but the flavor will surprise you with sweetness, even without the syrup. And you guess it right. It has soft interior and crispy exterior. The waffle syrup was homemade and I never thought that arnibal can be a good sauce for waffles. It had a little bit of bitterness but it just toned down the sweetness. The bacon was cooked perfectly. It was not oily, not too toasted and not too soggy.

We ordered Chorizo and Smoked Bacon Steak on our separate visits and we enjoyed the flambe show. The Chorizo is salty so we recommend to eat it with garlic rice. They may only give two pieces of chorizo but it is accompanied with a number of sides dishes. It amazes me that these sausages, as well as the beans, were housemade. Also, the bacon in Smoked Bacon Steak is cured in house.
Twice Cooked Fried Adobo

I describe this dish as Adobo on another level. It’s like Breakfast at Antonio’s version of Adobo flakes but theirs is composed of small strips. They were still able to display crispiness with this cut. Despite of being cooked differently, I could still feel the flavors of soy sauce and bay leaves, which is the essence of adobo. The egg is perfectly cooked. However, the garlic rice is kinda oily making it oversatiating.
Basil Pesto Pasta

The Basil Pesto Pasta is luscious in al dente. The waitress informed us that they do not have spaghetti as of the moment so they have to switch the pasta to tagliatelle and actually, the change made the pesto pasta better. It’s more enjoyable to eat when it’s a ribbon pasta. There’s no doubt that this dish is made from fresh basil. It doesn’t have any warm toppings but these the basil alone managed to make the pasta delish and irresistible.
Potato Salad

The first thing I noticed about their Potato Salad is the big cuts of potatoes, which make the dish a good deal already. It has a nice touch of mayonnaise. I just think it lacks on dressing. But that’s just for me. Perhaps, the amount of the mayonnaise may be enough for the others. The lettuce is juicy and crunchy. The same goes with carrots and celery. The roasted chicken complemented the salad. I wish it has more bacon bits for an added crunch.
Hot Chocolate | Butter Coffee

I still believe that the best hot chocolate is from the south. Their chocolate is from legitimate cocoa and it is super rich. I can even feel the gooeyness in its texture. Is this made in batirol? It isn’t too bitter and it has the right sweetness. I found the Butter Coffee kinda weird. It’s strong on its own since it has double shots, covering the butter flavor. But I could feel the fats! I like their coffee but I learnt that coffee with butter isn’t my thing. Yep! I got the wrong choice.
Four Berries Smoothie | Apple Slush

There is one perfect word for these two drinks – natural! Evidently, they remained on having smoothies and slushes, which are additive-free. It worked well with this Apple Slush. However, I found the Four Berries Smoothie too tangy. But I quite understand the acidity it gives since strawberry, cranberry, blueberry and raspberry are naturally sour. Plus, it is yoghurt-based. I admire the texture of the ice as it stayed smooth for smoothies and icy for the slush.

We ended our meal with astonishment as we met Mr. Antonio Escalante himself. We didn’t just meet him. He also gave us free homemade ice cream! My friend was waving to a crew to get some ice cream but she was approached by the award-winning chef and restauranteur and gave cups of Dark Chocolate for free. So humble!