How I Make Brie And Grapes On Crackers

After my birthday celebration, I found myself with some leftover goodies from the charcuterie board my mother gave me. Among them are brie, grapes, crispbread and honey. Instead of letting them sit in the fridge, I decided to give them a new life by making Brie Grape Canapé, along with Brie Apple Galette. This quick and easy appetizer is the perfect way to turn leftovers into something elegant and delicious!
But what exactly is canapé? Canapé are crackers that are topped with a variety of ingredients. They’re incredibly versatile and are often served as an appetizer or snack.
Here’s how I transformed my charcuterie leftovers into this delightful treat.
1. I only picked the brie, grapes, crispbread and honey from this charcuterie board. I also prepared olive oil and salt.

2. Roast the grapes in olive oil and salt.

3. Brush the used olive oil on the rye cracker.

4. Slice the grapes and brie into thin cuts

5. Arrange grapes and brie cheese on crispbread.

6. Drizzle with honey.

7. Your Brie Grape Crispbread Canapé is now done and ready to be served.