How I Make Brown Sugar Grass Jelly Coolers

Before the brown sugar milk with tapioca pearls trended, there’s the OG Filipino brown sugar refreshment we call Black Gulaman. 

It’s a drink that is simply flavored with brown sugar and pandan, banana essence or vanilla essence. Its sinkers include grass jelly and tapioca pearls in some times. Black Gulaman lines up with buko pandan drink, chilled coconut water, coconut water with milk, chocolate drink, chilled fruit juices, melon cooler and corn cooler in the list of samalamig or palamig in Philippine street food scene.

Since this drink is a total delight, you can also find this either high-end and casual restaurants, apart from street vendors. You can also make one at home.

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2. Boil a cup of water.

3. Melt muscovado sugar in boiling water. Stir until it becomes a syrup. Let this cool.

4. While the sugar syrup is cooling down, make gelatin by following its instructions. There are also ready-made canned grass jelly in the market so I opted to use that instead.

5. Slice grass jelly into small pieces.

6. Crush ice.

7. Make layers grass jelly and crushed ice into your glass.

8. Fill glass with sugar syrup. Add more water if necessary.

9. Your Black Gulaman Drink is now done and ready to be served.

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