How To Make Avocado Chocolate Mousse

It’s the 72nd day of quarantine period in our region and the lockdown protocols are getting less strict. But still, we can’t go out of the province. The restaurants aren’t open for dine in and the hotels and beaches aren’t allowing visitors yet. This all means that I have no new restaurants and destinations to share and review. But you can take a look at my Facebook Page, Ane Ventures, where I support small businesses and local businesses in Oriental Mindoro. I am posting mini reviews on some restaurants’ and online food sellers’ products so people can have an idea about what people offer.
But for today, we’ll just have another recipe, which I learned from Blossom. They have this one video that got me like ‘really?-we-can-do-that?’ And yep! I just did and it’s awesome! It was first time to mix chocolate and avocado and I never thought that this would be a good combination in palate. For me, it’s two different things and yet they make a great mousse. It has the perfect balance avocado and chocolate. Plus, it’s easy and healthy alternative compared to the regular chocolate mousse. It’s very surprising. Here’s how I do Avocado Chocolate Mousse.
http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_about_ Cheap Soma without prescription next day fedex overnight 1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
- http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_category_press_ soma cheap no prescription 2 avocados
- http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_about_ generic Soma no prescription overnight 1/4 cup bittersweet chocolate
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- cheap soma overnight delivery 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
- order Soma WITHOUT SCRIPT chocolate chips, nutmeg powder, graham powder or cornflakes for garnishing

http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_category_press_ soma cheap no prescription 2. Peel avocados and mash them on a container. Set this aside.

order Soma WITHOUT SCRIPT 3. Melt chocolate. I’m double boiling using hot water on a cup because I got lazy to go to kitchen.

4. Mix in condensed milk. This will serve as the sweetener since we used bittersweet chocolate and the avocados are bland.

5. Pour melted chocolate on mashed avocados. Mix until it get smoother.

6. Add vanilla for extra flavor.

7. Assemble the chocolate mousse on cups.

8. Garnish with chocolate chips, graham powder, nutmeg powder or cornflakes. Put in fridge.

9. Your Avocado Chocolate Mousse is now done and ready to be served.