How I Make Broiled Tuna Collar

When a fish is butchered, we usually get the filet parts, which makes up as little as 25% of the fish, leaving the rest of the perfectly-edible, delicious, and nutritious animal unappreciated or even wasted. One of the best ways you can address this is to consume as much of the fish as you can. You’ll realize you’ve been missing out on some supremely good eats, especially the collar of the fish. Fish collar is the cut behind a fish’s clavicle. It may be a bony portion but plenty of flavorful flesh still hides and remains.
In Japan, Philippines and, maybe, elsewhere in the world, grilled or broiled fish collar is usually served with beers. Hamachi or the Japanese Yellowtail is the usual fish for this dish but since we have here a tuna collar, I’ll use this to cook the delicious bar chow.
1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.
- 1 kilo tuna collar
- 1 tbsp mirin
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/2 tbsp lemon or calamansi

2. Combine mirin, soy sauce and lemon.

3. Pour the mixture over tuna collar. Season it with salt.

4. Pierce flesh with fork to infuse the flavors. Marinate overnight.

5. Prepare broiler by laying crumpled aluminum foil on a tray.

6. Place tuna collar and broil in a preheated oven at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for eight minutes.

7 Make sauce by combining calamansi and soy sauce.

8. Your Broiled Tuna Collar is now done and ready to be served.